Thursday, August 26, 2010

Royalty Free Images.

Some royalty free image sites I may use are:

Royalty Free Music:

Royalty Free Videos:

Royalty Free Animations

Examples of My Work.

For these images, I would use the No Derivative Works
(nd) license
, which means that I let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of my work, not derivative works based upon it.

What licences wouldI apply to my own multimedia work?

Yes, I most definitely want to be acknowledged as the creator of the work.

I would want to know what changes were going to be made...I don't want anything that I would consider inappropriate to be done with my work.

I don't want anyone to use my work for commercial purposes unless I know what it is for and I would expect to be paid for it.

What licences would you apply to your own multimedia work?

I'd be prepared to share some, but not all of my work.

Some pieces of work I wouldn't want to share because there are images of loved ones in them and I don't think they'd want their picture freely used. There's also a certain picture I wouldn't share because so much time, love and effort went into creating it that I wouldn't want it tampered with in any way.

Creative Commons.

Creative Commons purpose is to find (and provide free of charge) a 'middle ground', so to speak, between full copyright (all rights reserved) and public domain (no rights reserved).
They provide free licenses and other legal tools to mark creative work with the freedom the creator wants it to carry, so others can share, remix, use commercially, or any combination thereof. The creator will still own the work, but is allowing people to use it in certain ways.

The license, Attribution, means that:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your copyrighted work — and derivative works based upon it — but only if they give credit the way you request.

The license, Non-Commercial, means that:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform your work — and derivative works based upon it — but for non-commercial purposes only.

The license, No Derivative Works, means that:
You let others copy, distribute, display, and perform only verbatim copies of your work, not derivative works based upon it.

The license, Share Alike, means that:
You allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the license that governs your work.

Free Digital Photos.

Acknowlegement is required to use the image attatched to this blog. Credit for the use of this image goes to br3akthru /

Credit Required
If you use this free image, you must publish a credit to br3akthru, the digital artist who created it. We insist on this because it is a fair way of rewarding br3akthru who has kindly offered this image to you at no charge.

Website use - link code
If this free image will be used on a website, a hyperlink to br3akthru's portfolio page is required. The web address for br3akthru's portfolio is:

Suggested HTML code
You may construct the link as you see fit, but it must appear on the same page as the free image and mention br3akthru /

Suggested HTML code:

Image: br3akthru /

If you are using images from more than one contributor, ensure you create links to each of their portfolios.

Other uses
If you are using this image in printed material, computer applications, video, school projects etc, please publish the following credit:

Image: br3akthru /
What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is, or that you find, offensive, humiliating or intimidating that occurs anywhere you carry out any task for your employment.

What is the difference between having fun and Sexual Harassment?

I’m sorry, but I really can’t believe this question needs to be asked.
Maybe some people think they are having a joke whereas it may actually may be hurting or offending someone. I think it’s inappropriate to go into any more detail.

What are typical things that a person would do to Sexually Harass someone?

• Inappropriate or unwelcome sexual advances, innuendos, jokes, physical contact.
• Showing or displaying inappropriate pictures, messages, videos.

What sort of person Sexually Harasses others?

I don’t think this is an appropriate question to be asked. We are learning what sexual harassment is and what to do about it, not ask what kind of person actually does it.

What should you do if you are the victim of Sexual Harassment?

Don’t be afraid to speak up. Tell someone, whether it be your boss, Human Resources, Health and Safety, etc. If the harassment is serious and/or continual, you need to make a formal (written) complaint.

How can Sexual Harassment affect you?

Sexual harassment can make you feel alone, isolated and scared, can cause you to want to withdraw from people and situations, affect your self-esteem, cause stress at work and in your personal life, make you not want to go to work, can make you sick, possibly cause or trigger depression.

What are your rights?

It is the right of every person to carry out their everyday activities without being harassed in any way. If you are being harassed, then it is your right to take action and work with employers / co-workers / friends / counselors to ensure it is stopped.

Any other information you think will be helpful...

Put a stop to sexual harassment as soon as possible, no person deserves to be disrespected and treated that way.

What is Cyber Bullying?

What is Cyber Bullying?

Cyber bullying is bullying that is carried out mostly via the internet or mobile phone.

What is the difference between having fun and Cyber Bullying?

Via the internet or phone you can have fun sending messages, chatting and sharing images and videos. If the content of any of these things is degrading and/or disrespectful and continues to be sent/posted after requests to stop, then it becomes bullying.

What are typical things that a person would do to Cyber Bully someone?

• Sending or posting someone else’s personal information.
• Sending or posting disrespectful pictures or videos.
• Constantly sending or making posts of a disrespectful nature.
• Constant posting of things that are untrue about someone.
• Starting rumors.

What sort of person Cyber Bullies?

It’s not unusual for people that bully others to be very insecure themselves. They also may have been a victim of bullying and are repeating the same pattern in order to feel empowered instead of powerless. Although these ARE valid reasons, they ARE NOT an excuse for continual bad treatment of others.

What should you do if you are the victim of Cyber Bullying?

Tell someone you feel you can trust and ask for help.
Don’t reply to anything that is sent or posted as it will most likely encourage the bully to send and post even more. You can report what is happening to your Service Provider and also have them block messages or calls from certain senders.
Change your e-mail addresses, internet user-names and/or your phone number/s and only give them to carefully selected people.
Don’t let anyone know your passwords.
If messages are of a serious or threatening nature, call the Police, as threatening behavior is an offence.

How can Cyber Bullying affect you?

Cyber bullying can make you feel alone, isolated and scared, can cause you to want to withdraw from people and situations, affect your self-esteem, cause stress at work and in your personal life, make you not want to go to work, can make you sick, possibly cause or trigger depression. The worst affect bullying can have on someone is suicide.

How big of an issue is Cyber Bullying?

I think cyber bullying is a bigger issue than what the statistics show. I think there would be many more people out there being cyber bullied and they keep it to themselves.
With cyber bullying, someone can bully all they like without having to see the instant affect it has on the victim. I believe that this can have a ‘desensitising’ affect, where the person doing the bullying has a lack conscience about what their bullying actually does to people.

What are your rights?

It is the right of every person to carry out their everyday activities (including internet and telephone usage) without being bullied, hassled or harassed in any way. If you are being bullied, hassled or harassed, then it is your right to take action and work with employers / co-workers / friends / counselors to ensure it is stopped.

Any other information you think will be helpful…

If you let bullying continue for a long period of time it can have serious and possibly long term mental and physical affects.
Put a stop to it as soon as possible, no person deserves to be treated that way.