Thursday, August 26, 2010

What is Sexual Harassment?

Sexual harassment in the workplace is any form of unwelcome sexual attention that is, or that you find, offensive, humiliating or intimidating that occurs anywhere you carry out any task for your employment.

What is the difference between having fun and Sexual Harassment?

I’m sorry, but I really can’t believe this question needs to be asked.
Maybe some people think they are having a joke whereas it may actually may be hurting or offending someone. I think it’s inappropriate to go into any more detail.

What are typical things that a person would do to Sexually Harass someone?

• Inappropriate or unwelcome sexual advances, innuendos, jokes, physical contact.
• Showing or displaying inappropriate pictures, messages, videos.

What sort of person Sexually Harasses others?

I don’t think this is an appropriate question to be asked. We are learning what sexual harassment is and what to do about it, not ask what kind of person actually does it.

What should you do if you are the victim of Sexual Harassment?

Don’t be afraid to speak up. Tell someone, whether it be your boss, Human Resources, Health and Safety, etc. If the harassment is serious and/or continual, you need to make a formal (written) complaint.

How can Sexual Harassment affect you?

Sexual harassment can make you feel alone, isolated and scared, can cause you to want to withdraw from people and situations, affect your self-esteem, cause stress at work and in your personal life, make you not want to go to work, can make you sick, possibly cause or trigger depression.

What are your rights?

It is the right of every person to carry out their everyday activities without being harassed in any way. If you are being harassed, then it is your right to take action and work with employers / co-workers / friends / counselors to ensure it is stopped.

Any other information you think will be helpful...

Put a stop to sexual harassment as soon as possible, no person deserves to be disrespected and treated that way.

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